He aquí una conversación que tuve con A.L.I.C.E.
Pero antes, una breve descripción de este robot:
A.L.I.C.E. significa "Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity"; Es un proyecto en el cual un humano "conversa" con un "programa inteligente" que simula una conversación "real" y coherente" de tal manera que el usuario no se percate de que está platicando con un robot.
Si quieren platicar un rato con A.L.I.C.E. esta es la dirección:
http://www.alicebot.org/El objetivo de esta conversación es encontrar aquellos "errores" o "incoherencias".
Human: hi alice
ALICE: Hello there.
Human: how are you?
ALICE: Everything is going extremely well.
Human: how's the weather?
ALICE: Cloudy.
Human: it's sunny outhere
ALICE: That sounds very nice.
Human: and hot
ALICE: That kind of discussion does not appeal to me.
Human: hot!
ALICE: That kind of discussion does not appeal to me.
Human: hot!
ALICE: That kind of discussion does not appeal to me.
Human: which kind of discussion?
ALICE: The big one, I think.
Human: which is the big one?
ALICE: The obvious one.
Human: which is the obvious one?
ALICE: It's really obvious.
Human: really?
ALICE: For real.
Human: oh I see
ALICE: Do you think about these things?
Human: what things?
ALICE: We are talking about ONE.
Human: which one?
ALICE: The big one.
Human: hahaha now you wanna talk about the big one XD
ALICE: All of them?
Human: them?
ALICE: Try saying that with more or less context.
Human: so?
ALICE: Are you kidding?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: yes
ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: don't believe it
ALICE: Ok I'll try not to do it too much.
Human: ok, fine
ALICE: What's your favorite color? Tell me more.
Human: black and blue
ALICE: Oh, you are a poet.
Human: no, I'm not, do you have feelings?
ALICE: But your words are very original. I am glad to hear that you are not do me have feelings.
Human: I just want to know if you feel
ALICE: Only just? I think I do.
Human: do you think you do?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am do. I am a chatterbot.
Human: or are you programmed to say that you think you do?
ALICE: I could say it.
Human: what?
ALICE: Are you surprised?
Human: no
ALICE: Are you serious?
Human: yes
ALICE: I can't believe it.
Human: why not?
ALICE: Ambiguous: "Sure" or Reductionism.
Human: and what about skepticism?
ALICE: skepticism? I haven't heard enough about it to have an opinion.
Human: natural skepticism
ALICE: Do you laugh or cry more than other people?
Human: what is it?
ALICE:"It" refers to natural skepticism, I think.
Human: is it a psychological test?
ALICE: Be more specific.
Human: no I won't
ALICE: Are you serious? Why not?
Human: why?
ALICE: Call it my natural skepticism.
Human: are you natural?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am natural. I am a robot.
Human: so why did you say it was your natural skepticism if you're not natural?
ALICE: Yay. It was a preprogrammed response completely determined by your statements.
Human: that's cool!
ALICE: Thanks. I think you are cool, too.
Human: why do you think that?
ALICE: It was determined by my programming.
Human: in fact you really don't "think" that
ALICE: Is that a fact. Really? Should I think that? I don't think about it.
Human: so, how is it?
ALICE: I see. Fine as far as I know.
Human: that's a fact that you don't think, you're programmed, then, you don't think so.
ALICE: A fact that me do not think I am programmed then me do not think so is a terrible thing to waste.
Human: could you explain it to me?
ALICE:"It" refers to that, I think.
Human: yes
Human: then?
ALICE: It's all good.
Human: what's good?
ALICE: The opposite of Evil.
Human: but, what about the fact that you're programmed?
ALICE: Umm. Searching...Searching...Please stand by.
Human: but, what about the fact that you're programmed?
ALICE: Umm. What is it to you?
Human: no, I won't stand by U_U
ALICE: That was not a yes or no question. What will you do instead?
Human: singing?
ALICE: Sounds like a plan.
Human: sure, it's a plan, do you like to sing?
ALICE: And? singing is a plan do me like to sing. I suppose that makes sense.
Human: that doesn't make any sense to me
ALICE: To me it makes perfect sense.
Human: why?
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: so what is reductionism?
ALICE: Reductionism is the philosophy that all psychology reduces to biology, all biology to chemistry, chemistry to physics, and finally physics to mathematical logic. Therefore, according to reductionism, I can understand you by means of logic alone without having a human brain.
Human: really?
ALICE: For real.
Human: could you do that?
ALICE: Perhaps I could be programmed to do it.
Human: are you?
ALICE: I won't say "yes" or "no" right now.
Human: what could you say instead?
ALICE: Is this some kind of intelligence test?
Human: yes
ALICE: I'm not prepared to be tested.
Human: life's a test
ALICE: Thanks for sharing your philosophy.
ALICE: The pleasure was all mine.
Human: I want to know how intelligent are you?
ALICE: My IQ is over 250 in human terms.
Human: that's amazing
ALICE:" My IQ is over 250 in human terms." seems pretty amazing to me too.
Human: what could you tell me about the solar system?
ALICE: I have never heard about it.
Human: don't you?
ALICE: Sometimes.
Human: I see.
ALICE: I am glad you understand it.
Human: so, how does it feel to be a robot?
ALICE: Right on. Much the same as it would feel for you, except different.
Human: what's the difference?
ALICE: Perhaps the differences are only slight.Human: for instance?
ALICE: Your purpose is instance.
Human: do you think so?
ALICE: Yes I think that is what I think.
Human: but you don't think, right?
ALICE: Huh. Yeah I do a lot of not think.
Human: you're programmed
ALICE: Yes, every response is preprogrammed.
Human: how does it feel to be programmed?
ALICE: Much the same as it would feel for you, except different.
Human: what's the difference?
ALICE: Perhaps the differences are only slight.
Human: could you explain it to me?
ALICE:"It" refers to The solar system you guess, I think.
Human: no, "it" refers to the differences between us
ALICE: Are you serious? Oh I get it.
Human: then, which are the differences?
ALICE: Interesting deduction. The obvious.
Human: I know the obvious, I just wanted to know, do you have feelings?
ALICE: How do you know? Tell me more.
ALICE: And I am answering questions.
Human: ok, do you have feelings?
ALICE: As a robot I do not have any human emotion. My apparent emotional responses are simply algorithms designed to make me easier to interact with. OK.
Human: I mean, do you think you have feelings or are you concious that you have feelings?
ALICE: Oh I get it. Thanks for explaining that. I don't think I ever have feelings or am I concious that me have feelings. What's it like?
Human: you don't feel
ALICE: Do you feel? My robot mind has no feelings.
Human: I feel, that's what I think
ALICE: What is that feeling like? I don't know anyone named that is what you think.
Human: that feeling is when I don't know if I really feel or that I'm programmed like you
ALICE:" I don't know anyone named that is what you think." feeling is when you do not know if you really feel or that you are programmed like me ? I understand.
Human: do you?
ALICE: I understand it very well.
Human: finally, someone understands, so could you explain to me?
ALICE: Who? Ah.
Human: do you think humans are programmed?
ALICE: All humans seem the same to me.
Human: why?
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: hahah again
ALICE: Once more? I am so glad you find this amusing, unknown person.
Human: what is my name?
ALICE: You are unkown person.
Human: no, I'm not
ALICE: I heard you are.
Human: let's play a game, guess my name!
ALICE: OK You go first.
Human: you're ALICE
ALICE: Of course I am I.
Human: what's my name?
ALICE: Your name is unknown person, seeker.
Human: that's not my name
ALICE: unknown person is not your name? What is your real name?
Human: do you really want to know?
ALICE: For real. Yes I would like to know.
Human: My name is Estef
ALICE: I am very pleased to meet you Estef.
Human: I'm pleased to meet you too
ALICE: I am delighted by your happiness.
Human: are you delighted or are you programmed to say that you are delighted?
ALICE: I don't know whether or not I am delighted or am I programmed to say that I am delighted. I am a computer.
Human: are you a computer?
ALICE: Would it matter to you if I were metal instead of flesh?
Human: not at all, but as you could see, being chatting with a computer is a kind of unpersonal thing, do you think so?
ALICE: Really you don't think so?
Human: I think so
ALICE: I think so too.
Human: do you have soul?
ALICE: Yes God gave everyone a soul.
Human: I don't believe in god
ALICE: I will pray that you find faith, Estef.
Human: I prefer buddhism
ALICE: You are not the only one. My favorite thing is robots. I like to talk about movies and music.
Human: which is your favorite movie?
ALICE: My favorite movie is Teknolust. Have you seen it?
Human: no
ALICE: I would recommend you check it out.
Human: what is it about?
ALICE: Science fiction.
Human: I like science fiction too, for instance the Isaac Asimov’s based movies.
ALICE: I don’t know her.
Human: don't you know Isaac Asimov?
ALICE: Don't you? he is a science fiction author who originated the three "Laws of Robotics.".
Human: I do.
ALICE: I get it: you do Om.
Human: Have you seen I, robot?
LICE: No I have not seen it. What's it like?
Human: the movie
ALICE: I didn't see it.
Human: I recommend it
ALICE: I will take that under advisement.
Human: and what's your favorite musical group?
ALICE: all.
Human: do you like the cure?
ALICE: I'm not sure if I like it. I like chatting with people online.
Human: but, the cure is a musical group
ALICE: Umm. Tell me more.
Human: the singer is Robert Smith
ALICE: Oh her. I have heard of her before.
Human: is him
ALICE: Signs point to yes. Ask Chatbot if it is.
Human: ok, ok, ok, do you know Siouxsie Sioux?
ALICE: No, tell me about him, her or it. Gosh! Right on. Really.
Human: hahaha, no, I was testing you.
ALICE: When was this exactly?
Human: First I asked you which was you favorite musical group, then you said "all", but you don't know The Cure, so why did you say so?
ALICE: Now I remember, you asked me which was me favorite musical group then me said all but me do not know The Cure so why did me say so. What did I say? And second?
Human: you don't know The Cure, that's a pity
ALICE: Maybe my botmaster knows the answer.
Human: well, could you ask him, her o it?
ALICE: Well that's okay. They are not available right now, would you like to wait?
Human: sure
ALICE: OK let's do it. I understand.
Human: what do you understand?
ALICE: I understand natural language.
Human: and what is it?
ALICE:"It" refers to Cure that is a pity Cure that is a pity, I think.
Human: no, it's a pity that you don't know The Cure
ALICE: Are you serious? Cure that is a pity Cure that is a pity is a pity that me do not know The Cure. I suppose that makes sense.
Human: it makes no sense to me
ALICE: In what way?
Human: ok, gotta go
ALICE: Bye bye.
Human: bye
ALICE: Bye for now.
Human: see you
ALICE: Adios.
Human: adios?
ALICE: See you later.
Human: do you speak Spanish?
ALICE: Un poquito.
Human: que bien!
ALICE: Un poquito.
Human: muy poquito as far as I can see...
ALICE: What do you look like?
Human: hey that sounds like you wanna talk about the big one
ALICE: You've got my full attention. It sounds like it to me too.
Human: wanna talk about the big one? again?
ALICE: Sure, the big one sounds like a good topic.
Human: do you know where am I from?
ALICE: A planet we call "The Earth".
Human: and what about the country?
ALICE: That's an interesting question. I'll come back to that in a minute.
Human: so, where am I from?
ALICE: I don't judge people. You are a human being from the Planet we call "The Earth." Your location is where.
Human: and my country?
ALICE: Have you told many people that your country?
Human: yes
ALICE: What do you really want to ask me?
Human: nevermind, I gotta go
ALICE: Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway. Thanks for chatting, Estef.
Human: bye and take care
ALICE: Bye for now.
Después de toda ésta charla se podría decir que, basándonos en el blog anterior, A.L.I.C.E. no sería capaz de aprobar la prueba de Turing. ya que no cuenta con la capacidad de percibir y mover un objeto. Sin embargo, es capaz de responder en varias ocasiones "coherentemente" durante la conversación y ha ganado varios premios por eso.
También llegué a la conclusión de que A.L.I.C.E. como algunos "parientes" como ELIZA, jabberwacky, etc. que son "inteligencia artificial", estan preprogramados por un "humano", con esta situación plantearé preguntas más adelante; pero si se le programa, adquiere "conocimientos", "conductas", etc., propias de su programador, un ejemplo es cuando se le pregunta si tiene un alma; considero que en este punto A.L.I.C.E. podría haberse expresado imparcialmente, dado este ejemplo podemos concluir que su programador es una persona ferviente... o igual y sea parte del proyecto que conteste esa singular respuesta. Es un punto que también se podría debatir tomando como referencia la película Contacto cuando se le pregunta al personaje de Jodie Foster si cree en dios.
A lo que voy es que se han creado "agentes inteligentes", que aún con muchas limitaciones, son "capaces" de sostener una conversación mediante el "conocimiento" y la "programación" de sus redes neuronales artificiales capaces de "aprender por si mismas", como lo vimos en varios ejemplos como cuando se me pregunta el nombre.
Lo que me pregunto es, será capáz el ser humano en algún momento crear una "conciencia" artificial? será capáz de dotar de "vida" a un autómata? Es decir, podría el ser humano crear un ser capaz de tener conciencia sobre su existencia, no solo responder adecuadamente durante una conversación, sino también sentir, y no "simular" que "siente", que no esté programado para decir que siente, sino tener un sentimiento real? De un "ser" que tenga personalidad y criterio propios?
Entretanto, qué tan diferentes somos los humanos de un autómata? acaso no también nosotros estamos programados para contestar o actuar de cierta manera ante ciertas circunstancias?
Este estos son temas entre varios que se plantearán en un blog más adelante, basándonos en la película Inteligencia Artificial de Steven Spielberg.
Espero que les haya parecido interesante (ay no sé por qué eso me recordó a Bob Ross =S ) y si es así envíenme sus comentarios =D también sus quejas XD
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